Hi. I’m Dr. Gregory Apsey at 11270 13 Mile Road in Warren, Michigan (Macomb County). Our Dental Office is located on the South side of 13mile road. My dental office phone number is (586) 573-7700 and you can find me on the web at drapseydds.com. I’d like to talk today about sedation dentistry. There’s a real need for it. As remarkable as dentistry is these days, as pain free as it is many people are still very fearful about dental care. I offer and have for many years to my dental patients various forms of sedation that can either mildly take the edge off of anxiety up to very close to sleep.
I am not using an IV. I am using oral sedation. My dental patients take a medication an hour before they arrive at our dental office in Warren, Michigan. They’re relaxed, they don’t care. But they are still awake enough that I can talk with them and they understand a bit about what’s going on. What’s nice though is after the dental procedure there’s generally an amnesiac effect after the medication. They go home after the procedure, they lay down, they sleep, and they wake up remembering very few details of the dental appointment. That’s sedation dentistry at a deeper level. Same medication can be given at a lesser dosage to just relax my patients and make them a little more calm during their dental procedures. We also offer nitrous oxide gas during dental procedures and sometimes that’s all that’s needed. Call us today at (586) 573-7700 and ask us about sedation dentistry.