Food Choices That Help Brighten Your Teeth

Food Choices That Help Brighten Your TeethOur teeth’s appearance matters a lot in the modern world, which is why teeth whitening is increasingly becoming a vital part of grooming. When your teeth are white, it boosts your confidence and enhances your appearance.

What you ingest can significantly affect the health of your teeth and gums, and having white teeth often shows that you have a healthy dental regimen. Even so, today’s food consumption and lifestyle entail feeding on tea, coffee, wine, and tobacco which discolor the teeth.

Commercial teeth brightening products are good, but they are also expensive and have chemical components that can harm the teeth. Thus, we have prepared a list of feeding habits and the best foods that aid in making and keeping your teeth white, thereby boosting your smile.


Healthcare practitioners and dentists highly recommend consuming dairy products such as cheese and milk because they whiten teeth and strengthen bones. These products have plenty of calcium and lactic acid, strengthening the enamel.

In addition, taking milk products helps remove food stains and harmful bacteria and enhances saliva production. Casein, a protein in dairy products, prevents plaque buildup and teeth staining, helping you maintain your teeth’s whiteness.


Apples are crunchy, making them have a similar effect on your teeth to that of a toothbrush. They also have malic acid, which is a popular ingredient in kinds of toothpaste. Malic acid promotes saliva secretion, preventing tooth decay and aiding stains removal.


Yet another fruit, strawberries, can help brighten discolored teeth thanks to the bleaching elements of the malic acid in these fruits. Further, the malic acid aids saliva secretion, preventing dry mouth and teeth decay and staining.


This is a famous super fruit known to have various health benefits, including brightening your teeth.

The pellicle is a protective layer of the teeth with salivary proteins, which provides bacteria with a surface to hold. Further, they extract food pigments. On the downside, pellicle promotes bacterial buildup leading to discolored and stained teeth.

Pineapples have a proteolytic enzyme known as bromelain. This enzyme dissolves the pellicles, thus removing stains. It also breaks down plaque which causes dental cavities.


Like apples, watermelon is rich in malic acid, which promotes saliva production and acts as a natural cleaning component for the teeth. In addition, watermelons have a fiber-like texture that helps remove food remains that would otherwise cause teeth staining.


Cauliflower and celery have plenty of dental health benefits. They are crunchy and require you to chew and grind them extensively. It helps clean and scrub the teeth, thereby preventing plaque buildup. Further, extensive chewing promotes saliva secretion, which is critical in teeth brightening.


The tasty vegetable is packed with iron which strengthens the enamel. While you can consume it cooked or raw, the crunchy florets of raw broccoli have a cleaning effect like that of a toothbrush.


Water hydrates the body and plays a vital role in brightening your teeth. Drinking enough water helps prevent teeth staining and bacteria buildup, which often leads to teeth discoloration and decay.

Bottom Line

In addition to eating these foods that brighten your teeth, it is also advisable that you frequently brush and floss. You can also prevent teeth discoloration by avoiding taking foods that promote teeth staining, such as some energy drinks, dark berries, and sodas.

While these foods can help brighten your teeth, it is also vital that you seek teeth whitening services from a professional.

For more information regarding your dental health,  please give Dr. Apsey of Smile Brightly Dental a call today!  We are located in Warren, MI and we can be reached at 586-573-7700!