Warren Dentist

About Warren Dentist

Warren Dentist, Dr. Gregory Apsey has been practicing dentistry in Michigan for 27 years. He graduated from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry in 1987 and has practiced family dentistry in Macomb County ever since. He first practiced general dentistry in Fraser, Michigan and then in 1998 moved to his current location in Warren, Michigan. Dr. Apsey is a Warren family dentist who is very gentle and good with people of all ages.

Warren Family Dentist Reveals Dental Benefits of Xylitol, a Natural Sweetener

2016-10-25T18:48:09+00:00By |Dental Health Tips|

Warren Family Dentist Reveals Dental Benefits of Xylitol, a Natural Sweetener Warren Family Dentist, Dr. Greg Apsey reveals dental benefits of Xylitol, a natural sweetener. This natural sweetener is extracted from birch trees, strawberries, and other natural plant sources. It is healthy for your mouth because it quickly neutralizes the acids in your mouth to [...]

Warren Family Dentist Covers the Importance of Flossing, Fluoride, and Fresh Breath

2016-10-25T18:48:10+00:00By |Dental Health Tips, Oral Health|

Warren Family Dentist Covers the Importance of Flossing, Fluoride, and Fresh Breath Warren Family Dentist, Dr. Greg Apsey covers the importance of flossing, fluoride, and fresh breath. All three play an important role in keeping a healthy smile. So to keep your mouth happy and healthy, follow this advice by Warren Family Dentist, Dr. Greg Apsey and you will be on the [...]

Warren Dentist Gives Dental Care Tips for Children

2016-10-25T18:48:10+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Warren Dentist Gives Dental Care Tips for Children Warren Dentist, Dr. Greg Apsey gives dental care tips for children in honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month. As any parent knows, when your children are concerned you want to make sure that they have the best care possible and their dental care is no different. [...]

Warren, Michigan Dentist Discusses Bad Breath

2016-10-25T18:48:10+00:00By |Oral Health|

Warren, Michigan Dentist Discusses Bad Breath Hi. I'm Dr. Greg Apsey, your Warren, Michigan dentist at (586) 573-7700 and I'm here today to speak with you about bad breath and handling that issue if you should have it yourself. First of all, excellent oral hygiene is very important in fighting bad breath and excellent oral [...]

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