Warren Dentist

About Warren Dentist

Warren Dentist, Dr. Gregory Apsey has been practicing dentistry in Michigan for 27 years. He graduated from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry in 1987 and has practiced family dentistry in Macomb County ever since. He first practiced general dentistry in Fraser, Michigan and then in 1998 moved to his current location in Warren, Michigan. Dr. Apsey is a Warren family dentist who is very gentle and good with people of all ages.

Dental Patient Testimony of Friendly Dentist

2016-10-25T18:48:11+00:00By |Dental Patient Testimonial|

Dental Patient Testimony of Friendly Dentist Warren Dentist: Hello, I'm Doctor Greg Apsey here in Warren interviewing one of my patients about her experiences here at the office. I'm going to turn the camera around. Hi Barb. Warren Dental Patient: Hi, Doctor Apsey. Warren Dentist: How are you? Warren Dental Patient: I'm fine, now. Warren [...]

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Warren Dentist Discusses Children’s Teeth

2016-10-25T18:48:11+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Warren Dentist Discusses Children's Teeth Hi I'm Dr. Greg Apsey here in Warren, Michigan. You can reach me at 586-573-7700 for appointments. I'd like to speak today about children, babies really and the developing dentition and how to prevent problems for your child's teeth.  First of all children's teeth begin to erupt into the mouth [...]

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