Children’s Dentistry

Why Your Child May Need a Dental Crown

2018-07-20T18:20:54+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Why Your Child May Need a Dental Crown It's common knowledge that baby teeth fall out and leave room for permanent teeth.  Your child will begin losing their baby teeth around the age of 6 or 7.  Knowing that baby teeth are simply placeholders for permanent teeth can make it confusing when your dentist [...]

Caring for Baby Teeth- Why It’s Important

2018-04-17T12:48:28+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Caring for Baby Teeth- Why It’s Important You may be wondering if it is really important to take care of your baby’s teeth. After all, they’re going to just fall out... Right? Wrong! Baby teeth are actually placeholders for adult teeth and are known as nature’s braces. Taking care of those tiny teeth, will pave [...]

Warren Family Dentist Gives Tips About Oral Hygiene for Kids

2017-02-09T15:06:01+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Teaching Kids About Good Oral Hygiene The road to a healthy mouth begins when we are kids. Teaching your kids good oral hygiene habits will lead to a life-long beautiful smile and a healthy mouth. However, it’s not always an easy task to teach kids good brushing and flossing habits. Warren family dentist, Dr Apsey [...]

Dentist Near Eastpointe Shares Best Practices in Children’s Dental Care

2017-02-09T15:06:02+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

If you are a parent, you undoubtedly want to do everything you can to ensure your child is healthy. From the frequent check ups to late night doctor calls, there isn’t much you wouldn’t do for your kids. When it comes to dental care for your children, it can sometimes be a little less clear the [...]

Warren Dentist Talks About a Child’s First Trip to the Dentist

2016-10-25T18:48:08+00:00By |Children's Dentistry, Warren Dental Office|

Warren Dentist Talks About a Child's First Trip to the Dentist Many parents often ask Dr. Apsey of Warren, Michigan, "when should my child’s first dentist appointment be?". Dr. Apsey and most dental professionals agree that a child should begin to visit the dentist at the age of 1 or about six months after their [...]

Warren Dentist Gives Dental Care Tips for Children

2016-10-25T18:48:10+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Warren Dentist Gives Dental Care Tips for Children Warren Dentist, Dr. Greg Apsey gives dental care tips for children in honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month. As any parent knows, when your children are concerned you want to make sure that they have the best care possible and their dental care is no different. [...]

Warren Dentist Discusses Children’s Teeth

2016-10-25T18:48:11+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Warren Dentist Discusses Children's Teeth Hi I'm Dr. Greg Apsey here in Warren, Michigan. You can reach me at 586-573-7700 for appointments. I'd like to speak today about children, babies really and the developing dentition and how to prevent problems for your child's teeth.  First of all children's teeth begin to erupt into the mouth [...]

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