People call it wisdom tooth. But the pain that we feel once it grows is far from enlightening. Yes! The growth of wisdom tooth is one of the most hellish experiences for some if not all.

The pain that the wisdom tooth causes is both physical and mental. It can leave you weak, feverish, or grumpy. In terms of oral health, issues that the wisdom tooth cause need immediate help.

Your wisdom tooth could kill you – figuratively speaking. Why don’t you stay for a brief period and hang out? Allow us to give you a quick lesson about it.

Why Is It Called Wisdom Tooth?

The growth of a wisdom tooth doesn’t make you smarter than before it has grown. Nevertheless, it got its name since it only grows when a human being has become a full-fledged adult.

Expect the wisdom tooth to grow once you’ve reached 18 – 25 years old. In fact, this is might be the primary reason why its growth is so painful. Compared to other teeth, the wisdom tooth grows once at the time when the gums are fully developed – meaning that they’re hard and sensitive enough to feel a lot of pain.

Nevertheless, as we all know, the human body breaks conventions sometimes. That’s why some people grow their wisdom teeth at age 14 – 16. This isn’t that much of a problem considering that the emergence of the wisdom tooth out of the gums isn’t abnormal.

So. How Painful?

The growth of a wisdom tooth is very painful for most. It’s a quick stabbing sensation that’s felt on the gums and the jaws. This can result in dizziness, irritability, fevers, lack of focus, lack of concentration, and others. Pain will last until the wisdom tooth has fully emerged.

Is The Wisdom Tooth Useful?

The wisdom tooth is useless for us as of now. But for early humans, it helps the molars in breaking down raw meats, plants, nuts, and roots. Compared to them, present human beings eat food with softer textures due to cooking. And for this reason, not having a wisdom tooth isn’t that much of a problem.

What Are The Problems That Wisdom Tooth Cause?

The pain that you feel as the wisdom grows is only a minor problem. Major problems that you really have to be concerned about are oral issues that need medical attention. These medical issues can damage the gums, jaws, other teeth, and even affect speech. Here are some that you need to get an idea about.


Naturally, the wisdom tooth should get out of the gums once it has fully mineralized. But sometimes, it decides to get naughty and grows deeper into the gums or push against the molar closest to it. This condition is called impaction. Aside from extreme pain that doesn’t go away with medication, impaction may cause the jaw and gums to swell and develop a yellow discharge.


Impaction will cause a cyst to develop on the jawbone if left for long. Cystic development that a wisdom tooth causes might impair speech, cause periodic pains even if the wisdom has grown fully, and shifting of the nearby teeth.

Tooth Decay

The funny thing about a wisdom tooth is that it takes the longest to grow but it’s the quickest to decay. For this reason, a decayed wisdom tooth can cause the decay of several other teeth if left unattended. Intervention treatments such as cleaning and dental coating can help. However, removal is the most effective remedy.


This happens when the arrangement of the existing teeth is abnormal so that it cannot accommodate the growth of the wisdom tooth. Overcrowding can lead to crooked teeth. Surgical and non-surgical treatment can be used to correct it.

Should You Get Your Wisdom Tooth Removed?

Get your wisdom tooth removed once it causes the problems mentioned in the above section. If not then leave it alone. The cost for wisdom tooth removal heavily depends on the premiums, discounts, and existing pricing of your dentist.

Here are some things to consider after wisdom tooth removal:

  • avoid eating hard or stretchy foods
  • forget alcohol, caffeine, and carbonated drinks for at least one day
  • rinsing is a lot better than brushing (the day after surgery only)
  • avoid talking a lot
  • do not suck on the wound if it’s painful

After the wisdom tooth has been removed, expect to feel some discomfort in the jaw and mouth that might impair speech and eating. It’s very important to conduct regular check-ups with the dentist as the resulting wound after wisdom tooth removal is sensitive to infections.

Dr. Apsey and the team at Smile Brightly are experts in wisdom tooth extraction. To make a dental appointment at our Warren Dental Office or to learn more about our dental services, please call us today at (586) 573-7700.