gum problems

4 Reasons Men Should Go to the Dentist Regularly

2022-11-21T20:54:05+00:00By |Oral Health|

4 Reasons Men Should Go to the Dentist Regularly According to multiple studies, men are less likely to take care of their oral hygiene. Maintaining proper oral health comes with a multitude of benefits, including over-all health. It is less common for men to schedule regular dentist visits.  Without dental examination and diagnosis, men are [...]

Dental Health and Pregnancy

2019-01-18T04:43:32+00:00By |Pregnancy and Dental Health|

Dental Health and Pregnancy A woman’s body undergoes many changes during pregnancy. Some pregnant women can develop dental issues such as tooth decay and gum disease during this time. The hormones in your body during the pregnancy can affect the plaque on your teeth, making you more prone to dental issues. It is important [...]

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