oral health

Can dental fillings really be dangerous to your health?

2020-02-22T20:45:37+00:00By |Cavities|

Can dental fillings really be dangerous to your health? If you’re like most people, you occasionally go to the dentist and – every so often y0rou dentist tells you that you have a cavity. While a cavity is always “bad news”, it is usually never seen as a health crisis or life-threatening condition. On the [...]

Signs that it’s time to see a dentist

2020-03-05T12:41:27+00:00By |Dental Problems|

Signs that it’s time to see a dentist Something just isn’t right with your mouth. Maybe you are experiencing dull, constant pain yet can’t really identify its source. Maybe you have some odd, uncomfortable anomaly that is becoming more and more concerning. Or, perhaps a specific tooth is really causing you great pain and [...]

The Pros and Cons of Mouthwash in Troy, Michigan

2020-03-12T02:20:50+00:00By |Oral Health|

The Pros and Cons of Mouthwash in Troy, Michigan Who would argue that it feels refreshing and invigorating to rinse your mouth with a smooth tasting mouthwash? And, many people feel as if they have just done their mouths a great favor when they rinse – especially if the mouthwash had a bit of a [...]

How effective are products for whitening your teeth yourself? 

2020-03-05T12:43:22+00:00By |Teeth Whitening|

How effective are products for whitening your teeth yourself?  Everyone would like to have beautiful white teeth so that when they smile, they can do so fully and confidently. Yes, most people don’t have naturally white teeth and look for ways that they can get them whiter. However, it seems after just a short [...]

Are you at a personal risk of tooth decay?

2020-03-20T01:11:40+00:00By |Oral Health|

Are you at a personal risk of tooth decay? Humans are susceptible to all sorts of health problems. And they always will be. Among the most common health issues that people are prone to, tooth decay is certainly one of the most prevalent. And while treating and curing all sorts of tooth decay has been [...]

5 Nighttime Habits to Improve Your Oral Health

2019-06-21T18:56:14+00:00By |Oral Health|

5 Nighttime Habits to Improve Your Oral Health While you are asleep, the bacterial tend to gather in your mouth and a lot can happen. However, you must not let the thought of plaque and cavities keep you from having a good night sleep. There are a lot of ways you can maintain your [...]

6 Common Facts about Teeth Whitening Everyone Should Know

2019-05-17T10:33:23+00:00By |Teeth Whitening|

6 Common Facts about Teeth Whitening Everyone Should Know Your smile is the first thing that a person notices about you. A beautiful smile oftentimes dictates your level of confidence in a public setting and vice versa. If your teeth are yellowed, stained or damaged, you avoid smiling to your fullest. Teeth whitening is [...]

The Link Between Eating Disorder and Oral Health: What Role Can Dentists Play?

2019-05-03T18:11:18+00:00By |Oral Health|

The Link Between Eating Disorder and Oral Health: What Role Can Dentists Play? Not many people are aware that eating disorders have the highest mortality rate in the US among all the mental disorders. As per the statistics furnished by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, nearly 30 million US citizens [...]

Benefits of Eating Apples for Teeth and Oral Health

2019-04-19T15:21:12+00:00By |Oral Health|

Benefits of Eating Apples for Teeth and Oral Health We all have heard of the proverb ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. A growing body of research suggests that we can now change it to ‘an apple a day keeps the dentist away’. Yes, it is true that the inclusion of apple [...]

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