Warren Michigan Dentist

The Link Between Heart Health and Oral Health

2021-09-14T18:43:15+00:00By |Oral Health|

The Link Between Heart Health and Oral Health Our mouth contributes to the overall health of our body. Oral health, hence, must be made a priority. Researchers have also found a link between heart health and oral health. It was found that microbes inside our oral cavity are carried to the other parts of our [...]

The 2 Techniques for Finding the Best Dentist for You and Your Family

2020-03-05T12:38:33+00:00By |warren michigan dentist|

The 2 Techniques for Finding the Best Dentist for You and Your Family Searching for a new dentist can be thought of as an ominous task. This is especially true because so many people put off going to the dentist as long as they possibly ca anyway. So, this means their motivation for initiating their [...]

Warren Dentist Talks About Oil Pulling

2016-10-25T18:48:09+00:00By |Dental Health Tips, Oral Health, Warren Dental Office|

Warren Dentist Talks About Oil Pulling Warren Dentist Explains Oil Pulling Dr. Apsey of Warren, Michigan describes oil pulling, or oil swishing, as an ancient practice, originating in India, in which you take a tablespoon of a vegetable-based oil and slowly swish it in your mouth for up to twenty minutes every morning in order to [...]

Warren, Michigan Dentist Discusses Bad Breath

2016-10-25T18:48:10+00:00By |Oral Health|

Warren, Michigan Dentist Discusses Bad Breath Hi. I'm Dr. Greg Apsey, your Warren, Michigan dentist at (586) 573-7700 and I'm here today to speak with you about bad breath and handling that issue if you should have it yourself. First of all, excellent oral hygiene is very important in fighting bad breath and excellent oral [...]

Warren, Michigan Dentist Reveals Importance of Dental Experience

2016-10-25T18:48:11+00:00By |Warren Dental Office|

Warren, Michigan Dentist Reveals Importance of Dental Experience Dr. Robert Antolak: Hi. My name is Dr. Robert Antolak at thegentledentist.com in Shelby Township, Michigan. The phone number is (586) 247-3500. Dr. Gregory Apsey: Hi, I'm Dr. Greg Apsey.  I’m practicing in Warren, Michigan. (586) 573-7700 and my web address, drapseydds.com. And, did you ever wonder, [...]

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