Warren Dentist - Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening – Before and After

There was a time, not long ago where if you wanted to have a whiter, brighter smile, you needed to schedule an appointment with your dentist to have your teeth whitened professionally. This was usually an expensive procedure, and was often only an option for the individuals that were willing to pay a premium to have white teeth. Now, teeth whitening is an option available to anyone who is willing to drive to the drugstore and pick up a whitening kit. While teeth whitening is an easy, fairly inexpensive and accessible at-home procedure, there are still things you need to know, to ensure that you whiten safely. As your Warren dentist, we would still rather you whiten your teeth here in our office. However, if you are considering a home whitening kit, here are things to remember, to protect your teeth and keep your smile looking great!

Consult with Your Dentist

Of course, we would love to be the ones whitening your teeth, but we do understand that at home whitening is a more affordable option for many people. So, before you dive into that home whitening kit, talk with your dentist first. Your dentist can suggest products that they think are safest and most effective. Your dentist can also tell you if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening. Unfortunately, not everyone should use an at-home whitening product, especially if you have injured gums, or damaged teeth. Teeth whitening products also won’t whiten all teeth. If you have teeth that have been damaged and are yellowed because they have died, no whitening product will change the color of those teeth. Your dentist can help you decide if at-home whitening products are a good fit for your smile.  If you are looking for a Warren Dentist, be sure to give us a call.

Follow the Directions

If you’ve consulted with your dentist and at-home teeth whitening is a good option for your smile, you are ready to start whitening. For the best results, and to ensure that you are safe, make sure that you thoroughly read the directions that come with your whitening product. Many at-home products are as easy as placing a plastic strip with pre-measured whitening chemicals on your teeth and waiting, while others have trays that you fill with the whitening product. Make sure that you read the directions well before you start the process, and follow them exactly. Leaving the chemicals on your teeth too long can cause damage to enamel and more dental problems down the road.

Have Realistic Expectations

Your teeth aren’t going to be bright white after your first at-home application. To get that bright smile, you may have to use the product a number of times. This would be the same if you were visiting your dentist’s office to whiten your teeth, as well. Don’t be disappointed if your teeth aren’t perfectly white the first time around. It’s also possible that the shade of white that you are looking for, just isn’t possible. Everyone’s teeth are different and your teeth may have a slight, natural color to them that will never come out. If that is the case, don’t worry, but also don’t over use a whitening product and risk damage to your teeth.

Keep Your Annual Dental Check-Ups

White teeth don’t equal healthy teeth. If you are using a whitening product on a regular basis, it is just as important that you visit your dentist on an annual basis at the minimum (we recommend twice a year). Your dentist can help you keep tabs on the health of your teeth through a good cleaning and check-up, ensuring that your white smile is also a healthy smile.


If you are thinking about an at-home whitening kit, or just need a good dentist near your Warren home, Dr. Apsey and the staff at Smile Brightly is ready to assist you with all of your dental needs and questions. For more information on all of our services or to schedule an appointment, please call us at (586) 573-7700.